Hello. I am Scott Shore and ShoreWerks Art + Design is the studio art side of my creative life. This site is now the HQ for a culmination of years of personal work only seen at art shows locally. I show at the 2 largest art shows NE Minneapolis – Art-A-Whirl and Art Attack. Most of what you see on the site is for sale and available by appointment or at the art shows.

I strictly follow the “wing it” theory of art making. Experimenting with materials, discovering techniques and pushing past some pretty ugly mistakes keeps it interesting. No technique before need is how I like to roll.

When I am not knee deep in a creative project, I am busy with my professional design work – see links below. Lure Design is my primary design business and has been trucking along for over 20 years of web and print work. MettleVelo is my design offshoot dedicated to bike-culture design. And, although I love the motorized version MV is all about the pedal power.

Lure Design  //  MettleVelo